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15 Website Marketing Strategies to Drive Traffic & Conversions

15 Website Marketing Strategies to Drive Traffic & Conversions

Most businesses, probably yours too, have a website. It’s a place for customers to learn about your brand and order your services. It’s also an excellent marketing tool. In fact, website marketing is crucial in today’s age. 

You need a website marketing strategy to generate leads and grow traffic to your site. Then, you’ll convert that traffic into new customers for your business. 

Marketing on websites isn’t easy, though. You need the right website marketing strategies to succeed. Without a good website marketing strategy, you won’t succeed. 

Keep reading to learn everything about websites in marketing.

15 Website Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Online Presence

Use these 15 website marketing tips to vastly improve your website marketing. 

1. Email Marketing

Create a list of potential customers and gather their email addresses. You can find them from website sign-up forms, pop-ups, or lead magnet tools like webinars and free e-books. Then regularly send email newsletters to them. 

Your newsletters should contain useful content and offers for recipients. Refrain from spamming them with unnecessary or annoying material like sales pitches. Instead, include helpful information like practical tips, industry news, or enticing promotions. 

The goal is to capture your readers’ interest by showing them something useful. 

You should also segment your target list to send personalized emails since they’re more effective. You can segment your list according to interest, age, purchase history, or location. 

After segmenting, provide the most attractive content for each segment to maximize interest. 

For example, say you sell gym clothing and accessories. You could segment your list according to the customer’s gym experience, like ‘Beginner lifter,’ ‘Casual lifter,’ and ‘Dedicated lifter.’. 

You’d send a different newsletter to each group to meet their specific needs. For instance, beginner lifters may be more enticed by offers for gym clothes since they’re just starting. Experienced lifters may like more advanced gym accessories like gym belts. 

Another thing you can do is use email automation to trigger emails for user behavior. The best example is sending emails containing abandoned cart reminders to users.

email marketing example

2. Social Media Marketing

Promoting your social media is an excellent way to market a website. Regularly post engaging content for your target audience on your socials. Your content should have a mix of visual posts and information. 

The exact content you post should depend on the platform. For example, Instagram is an image-focused platform, while LinkedIn is professionally oriented. So, it’d be better to post stunning visuals on Instagram and informative pieces on LinkedIn. 

You should also deploy social media ads to reach specific demographics you can redirect to your website. You can precisely target audiences according to their age, interests, location, and other factors on most social media platforms. 

Another of the best online marketing strategies is using social media listening tools to learn what audiences think of your brand. Use Mandala AI tools to track keywords and mentions. 

You can partner with relevant social media influencers for paid promotions to reach wider audiences. Identify the most relevant influencers in your industry and collaborate with them for mentions, sponsored posts, reviews, and giveaways. 

For instance, say you’re a local restaurant. You should partner with a local food critic influencer and invite them to your restaurant to try your food. They’ll post their experience online, encouraging their followers to eat at your restaurant too.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is one of the most effective but overlooked ways of marketing for website business. It involves making your website more discoverable by users on search engines. You can SEO your website by conducting keyword research to identify terms your audience uses. 

You’ll then include these terms in your website, including your website headings, page titles, meta descriptions, and other places. Effective SEO also involves backlinking to other high-quality websites to improve your rankings. 

You should also partner with other websites in your niche for guest posting opportunities, improving your rankings. 

Another great SEO strategy is optimizing your Google My Business listing so your business appears in local search results. 

Lastly, use structured data for a chance for search engines to display your content as featured snippets.

4. Content Marketing

Content marketing is a classic marketing strategy for websites. You do it by posting high-quality content valuable to your target audience. After discovering and consuming your content, they gain brand awareness of your business. 

You perform content marketing by posting helpful content, like blog posts, articles, and videos. This content aims to engage, educate, and solve your audience’s problems. 

You should cross-promote your content on your social media channels for the best results. For instance, you can share your blog articles on your LinkedIn with a helpful LinkedIn social copy. 

To transform readers into potential customers, include call-to-actions (CTAs) in your content to encourage readers to perform desirable actions.

5. Pay-per-click (PPC) Advertising

Running PPC ads is an effective way of marketing a website when done right. PPC ads are a great marketing strategy for websites because they have high clickthrough rates when displayed to relevant audiences. 

You want to run PPC ads wherever you can get relevant audiences, like related websites, social media pages, or search engines. Your PPC ads should target specific keywords and audience characteristics, like age, location, and interest. 

Track your PPC ad performance over time and adjust to improve it. Specifically, monitor metrics like conversion rates, cost-per-click, and return on investment (ROI). 

An example of effective PPC advertising could be a local Plumber in New York City. They’re bidding on search terms like ‘Emergency Electrician in New York City.

24 HR Emergency Plumber in NYC PPC Ads

6. Remarketing

Remarketing is one of the most common web marketing strategies. It involves using targeted ads to people who’ve already visited your website. You perform it by including a tracking pixel on your website. 

Remarketing is an effective marketing website strategy because it reminds customers about your brand and products. So, it encourages them to return to your website and purchase or complete some other action.

For instance, suppose you’re an online shoe brand. You can remarket your website to customers once they browse other sites. You could specifically have your ads display those products to individual viewers that they viewed at your site. 

This type of personalization makes remarking one of the best website marketing techniques. It reminds audience members of products they potentially want. You can learn more about how this works with this article

7. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the best-known ways of marketing website business. Affiliate marketing consists of having other companies promote your products on their site. Ideally, you want to work with companies whose products and services complement yours. 

For example, you could have a blog about skincare to promote your skincare products. It’s a complementary business since it’s directly related to your industry and doesn’t compete with you. 

Your affiliates receive a commission for every sale generated through their affiliate contract. The affiliate earns more by generating more sales for your business. So, your affiliate marketers are a great way to improve your website marketing online. 

For example, many YouTube tech channels like this one promote video games in their videos. 

8. Public Relations (PR)

Getting your business featured in the media can be an excellent website marketing strategy. You can send press releases, pitch stories to journalists, or participate in industry events. Being featured in the media generates traffic for your website by raising awareness. 

Positive media coverage presents your business as an industry thought leader and increases trust in your brand. Good PR also improves your business’s reputation. 

For example, Gucci issued a press release about their new clothing line made from recycled materials. This press release attracted eco-conscious publications, which gave them much media attention.

9. Webinars

High-quality webinars are excellent marketing for websites. Host websites on exciting topics for your target audience. Choose subjects that benefit your target audience, like educating them on industry news. 

Your goal is to establish your business as an industry expert and provide practical information for viewers. Doing so is excellent for generating leads and building relationships with potential customers. 

Include a registration form to attend your webinars to collect attendee information to generate leads. 

For instance, this stay-at-home business coaching company released a webinar on making scented candles. The purpose of the webinar was to attract students who want to buy courses.

10. Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways generate excitement around your brand. Offer attractive and relevant prizes for your audience to receive their interest. 

The purpose of contests and giveaways is to gather leads and increase your social media following. To achieve this goal, you should set entry requirements like asking people to follow your page or consent to receive your emails. 

An example of an engaging giveaway is a skincare brand on Instagram that gives away a gift basket of their products. Participants must follow the brand and tag a friend for extra entries to enter. 

11. Live Video

Create live videos to connect with your audiences in real-time. Live videos provide an immediacy and connection that traditional content can’t. Live videos are also effective for marketing your website because they’re interactive. 

Some great examples of live video events include Q&A sessions and product demonstrations. You encourage viewers to interact with you through comments and questions to build a sense of community. 

For example, tech companies use YouTube or Facebook Live to launch new products, demonstrate their features, and answer audience questions like Nvidia’s special address at CES 2024.

12. User-Generated Content (UGC)

Encourage customers and social media followers to post content related to your brand. They could create product reviews, experience posts, or personal opinions about your brand. 

Ideally, they should also use a hashtag to group content related to your brand. 

UGC is social proof for your brand. It proves to potential customers that other people legitimately like your brand. This encourages them to potentially buy from you, too. 

For example, travel companies often encourage customers to share photos from trips with a branded hashtag. These posts inspire other users also to take trips with the travel company because they show what a great time the previous customers had.

13. Personalization

Personalize your marketing content to create tailored messages for individual customers. Use past user data, including purchase history and website behavior, to create personalized content. The goal of personalized content is to individually appeal to users. 

Personalized content is highly effective for that reason. A personalized email or message is more relevant to an individual. So they’re more likely to take desirable actions like buying from you. 

For example, an online clothing brand can create personalized product recommendations in emails to customers based on their browsing and purchase history. 

14. Marketing Automation

You can use marketing automation tools to save time and energy from repetitive tasks like sending emails or posting on social media. Mailchimp and Hubspot are both examples of such tools. Both come with a variety of automation features. 

These automation features make your business more efficient. You’ll save resources and energy for more important tasks. Automation also ensures you’ll have more consistent customer communication. 

For instance, you can auto-schedule your social media posts to ensure followers can see new posts consistently. 

You can also use automation for lead nurturing and scoring. You can automate delivering relevant content to customers during different buyer journey stages. And you can automatically assign weight to leads based on their actions to help your sales team. 

Another option is automating website visitor information tracking. You can automatically track how many visitors interact with your website and how. You can use this data to identify customer pain points.

15. Data-driven Marketing

Track key performance metrics (KPIs) to analyze your marketing campaign’s performance.

You can utilize analytics tools such as Mandala Analytics which offers powerful social listening features, enabling you to obtain detailed analytics information and monitor brand mentions with ease. This tool leverages datasets derived from billions of mentions across the internet, providing comprehensive insights in just a few clicks.

Do this to ensure you maximize your marketing campaign’s returns. A data-driven approach lets you identify areas of improvement and optimize your marketing approach. 

For example, say you’re the local brand and do marketing on social media. You’ll monitor social metrics like engagement and sentiment to identify your best-performing online post accordingly. 

Expert Advice for Website Success!

Effectively marketing your website is one of the best ways to grow your business in today’s digital world. While you can use various strategies, the best approach is to provide relevant and high-quality content to potential customers. 

You also need a data-driven approach to maximize your campaign’s returns. 

Implement the 15 website marketing help strategies you’ve just learned about above, and you’ll achieve your marketing goals in no time. 

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