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5-Easy Steps Guide to Social Media Content Creation in 2024 

5-Easy Steps Guide to Social Media Content Creation in 2024 

Content marketing isn’t just a buzzword–it’s the fuel that drives brand success in the digital universe. It’s why top brands are always on the tip of our tongues and how newbies grab the spotlight. They’re serving up content that grabs attention and holds it.

So, If you want your business to leave your competitors in the dust, it’s time to get in the content creation game and make a splash in the social media world.

Today, we’re diving into everything you need to know and the detailed steps on how to create compelling content on social media, including insightful tips and the best tools for social media content creation.

Tune in for this small course of creativity, connection, and digital storytelling that will transform your social media content.

What is Social Media Content Creation?

what is social media content creation

Social Media Content Creation is exactly what it sounds like–crafting and sharing stories on your brand’s social media platforms.

It entails creating brand-related narratives, trending topics, or even stories that your target audience adores, all aimed at captivating audiences and converting them into customers.

Strategizing in Social Media Content Creation is crucial, especially in today’s landscape where content marketing is a global sport with fierce competition.

Understanding the forms and types of content, and using them appropriately for your objectives, target audience, and platform is key.

Content for engagement may take one form, while content to drive traffic and boost sales another. The suitable visual forms also vary.

So, if your Marketing Strategy is checked, Competitor Analysis checked, Branding Persona checked, & Art Direction checked, it’s time for the steps of social media content creation! Ready to explore?

Key Elements of Effective Social Media Content Creation

Crafting killer social media content is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle; every piece plays a crucial role. Here’ is social media content creators’ must-have list for crafting posts that pack a punch, some might be necessary for every post, while others can be optional, depending on your post objectives. But buckle up and get ready to master these details:

  • Relevance Content Idea & Objectives: Brainstorm content that aligns with your objectives, resonates with your audience, and reflects your brand’s unique voice. It could involve discussing Products & Services, Brand Story, Memes & Lifestyle Content, or any important ad hoc topics. 

We recommend planning a month ahead for comprehensive and well-thought-out content creation. Don’t forget to dig for inspiration and keep up with trends among consumers and within the industry.

  • Visuals: Our eyes are naturally drawn to visuals on social media. This could include diverse options like static images, multi-image or carousel posts, short-form or long-form videos, gifs, or interactive content. The choice depends on the platform and what suits your brand best.
  • Copywriting & Storytelling: Describe your visuals in a way that engages, and also converses with the audience. The words you use in your post are crucial for capturing and retaining your audience’s attention.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA):  Guide your audience on their journey with your brand. Whether it’s “Shop Now”, “Learn More”, or “Leave a Comment”, a clear CTA nudges them towards engagement and decision-making.
  • Consistent Branding: Consistency is key to building a memorable brand persona. From color schemes to tone of voice, keep your branding elements consistent across all posts.
  • Mention & Hashtag: This creates a social network by mentioning supporters or partners. At the same time, hashtags make your post more discoverable and pull your brand into trending topics.
  • Emojis: Add a dash of fun to your posts with emojis. They grab attention, express emotions, and make your brand feel more relatable.

With these elements in your toolkit, you’re ready to conquer the world of social media content creation. Let’s now dive in 5 steps of Social Media Content Creation and create some magic!

5 Steps of Social Media Content Creation

Step 1: Understanding Your Target Audience 

Personalization is the golden goose in content marketing. It’s not about casting a wide net and hoping for the best, but rather carefully crafting your content to resonate with a specific audience and turning them into dedicated customers.

Here’s the point, you need to get under the skin of your target audience. What are their interests, preferences, and pain points? What kind of content do they gravitate towards –product-focused, lifestyle, storytelling, or a mix of them?

A good starting point to gather these insights can be exploring online reviews and user-generated content about your brand, your competitors, or even your industry as a whole. Look for gaps that your content could fill. Influencers can also be a goldmine of information, as their audience’s feedback can offer valuable insights for your brand.

Another potent tool at your disposal is Social Listening Tools. These platforms can provide deep, data-driven insights, from figures to sentiments, helping you keep your finger on the pulse of what your audience wants. With this information, you can continually refine your content to meet the evolving needs of your target customers.

A Facebook mention as shown in Mandala Analytics

Step 2: Creating Engaging Social Media Content

And here’s the crucial step, the heart of creating top-notch content–the development phase. Whatever content you create should have all the necessary components to wow your audience and elevate your brand. This isn’t just about ticking boxes, it’s about crafting a narrative, a visual feast, a story that resonates; that’s where visuals and copywriting come in.

It depends on your personal preference whether you start with visual creation or copywriting. However, it’s certain that both visuals and copywriting must be interconnected, either directly or indirectly. Both need to be carefully thought out to best suit the content and audience.

Visual is the attention-grabbers of your content. You can develop these using high-quality photography, phone-taken photography, graphic illustration, or photo-based with graphic elements, depending on your objective; but the quality should be over everything.  Here’s the breakdown for visual types:

  • Static Images: These are the quick attention grabbers. Like captivating headlines, they draw your audience in instantly. Quality and relevance are key here, ensuring your image is as clear as a bell and as pertinent as today’s hot topic or essence of your content.
  • Multi-Image & Carousels: Think of these as your visual storytellers; holding the power to keep your audience scrolling, engaging them with a narrative that unfolds with each swipe.
  • Videos: The reigning champs of engagement, videos are like mini movies for your brand. But as viewership increases, viewer retention becomes crucial. Whether you make short or long videos, try to convey the essence of your content as quickly as possible because people might scroll past important points. 
  • Text in Visuals: This is the secret sauce that can amplify your message. It’s like a voiceover in a documentary, guiding your viewer through the visual journey you’ve created. But remember, every word counts. Make sure your text is concise, and relevant, adds value to the visual, and concludes all main ideas in short words.

Copywriting is just like the lyrics of the content, all elements should be presented to keep people’s hearts pounding when they hear it. See our pro tips here:

  • Compelling Headlines: The hook should grab attention and spark curiosity, enticing your audience to read more, and covering the main idea and descriptions that should communicate appropriately without overstating
  • Genuine descriptions: Don’t leave room for guesswork. Make your descriptions clear, concise, and informative, ensuring your audience understands exactly what you’re offering.
  • Storytelling: Make audiences feel the scent, image, and experience through words. For example, if we’re a restaurant brand, try using creative words to make people see the appealing and appetizing side of your palettes, like ‘saucy’, ‘fresh’, ‘flavorful’, or ‘aromatic’. 
  • Genuine Tone: Avoid being overly promotional or pushy. Aim for a genuine, conversational tone that resonates with your audience.
  • Sense of Urgency: Add CTA or encourage action by making your audience feel they might miss out if they don’t act quickly. This can be achieved through time-limited offers, countdowns, or stating limited availability.

At the same time, everybody loves to see real photos from real-life experiences. Don’t forget to include UGC or customer reviews; It’s like getting a thumbs-up from your customers. UGC not only boosts credibility but also engagement. But always play fair, ask permission and give credit.

Step 3: Planning and Scheduling Content

Creating a content calendar and scheduling your posts effectively can be a game-changer in managing your social media presence. It’s not as daunting as it sounds–in fact, it’s a bit like planning a party! Here’s a simple guide to get you started.

First, once your content copy and visuals are ready, organize them into a monthly or bi-monthly calendar. This gives you an overview of what’s coming up. Consider factors like content types, frequency, audience online behavior, and sometimes, details about budget, target audiences, and campaign objectives if you’re planning to advertise your on-feed content.

  • Content Type: Think of each month as a long story divided into short chapters. Distribute different content types across the weeks of the month. For instance, avoid clustering product-focused content or content about the same product type together. Mix it up with memes, creative content, or brand stories to keep your social media mood varied and engaging.
  • Frequency:  Maintaining a consistent posting frequency keeps your audience hooked. A sweet spot could be a post every 3-5 days, but feel free to experiment and find what suits your brand best. Apart from varying the frequency, depending on your content volume each month; you can also learn from your competitors by comparing their posting frequency and seeing what works best.
  • Audience On-Screen Behavior: To find your golden hour to serve your content, use insights from your social media platforms or explore social listening tools to figure out when your audience is most active online. 

Instagram users, here’s a special tip: curate your IG gallery like an art exhibition. Your audience will see all your posts together when they visit your profile, so make sure they paint a beautiful picture of your brand.

Finally, we reached the scheduling station. This is where you set your content train in motion by scheduling posts and ads in advance. It’s like laying out your clothes the night before, it saves time and ensures you’re not scrambling at the last minute. For Facebook & Instagram users, Meta Suite is a handy tool to have in your kit.

Step 4: Optimizing Content for Different Platforms

Creating engaging content for social media is both an art and a science. Each platform has its unique vibe and audience, requiring tailor-made content to shine brightly. Apart from visually-creative artwork and appealing captions, here’s your guide to mastering the nuances of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, ensuring your brand stands out in the digital crowd.

Facebook ad featuring a static photo of a tent resort.

Facebook is like a bustling city square, where diverse content forms – text, images, videos, links – coexist.

  • Interaction is Key: Think of your content as conversation starters. Use quizzes or polls to encourage reactions, comments, and shares. It’s all about building a vibrant community around your brand.
  • Short and Sweet: Keep your content concise yet compelling. Long posts risk losing the audience’s interest.
  • Picture Perfect: Images matter on Facebook. Ensure your visuals are spot-on with dimensions that fit the timeline, like 1:1, 4:5, or 3:4 for portrait images, and reverse for landscape. For multi-image posts, mix and match sizes for a visually engaging layout.

Instagram is like an art gallery–it’s all about visual appeal. High-quality photos and short videos rule this platform. But adding these below elements will help to boost your content visibility

Instagram ad for an Avea anti-aging product
  • Hashtag Wisdom: Use relevant hashtags to make your posts discoverable. But remember, overdoing it can make your post seem spammy.
  • Stories & Reels: Leverage Instagram’s features like Stories and Reels to offer varied content. Using link stickers in stories can direct traffic effectively.
  • Size Matters: A 1:1 ratio works best for Instagram posts, both single and carousel. For videos, use thumbnails if they don’t fit Instagram’s recommended size. Ensure your main graphic elements fit within Instagram’s square frame.

X (formerly Twitter) is a news ticker–quick, real-time updates in bite-sized chunks, and fostering community–is a way to get your brand bejeweled.

Twitter ad for Economist featuring an article about a tech company
  • Hashtag Power: Like Instagram, Twitter thrives on hashtags. Use them wisely to expand your tweets’ reach.
  • Engage, Engage, Engage: Twitter is all about conversation. Retweet, reply, and like to engage with your followers and foster a sense of community.
  • Brevity Wins: Tweets are best served short and sweet. Aim for around 100 characters, even though the limit is 280 for free accounts.

Pro tip: Adapt one piece of content into multimedia formats to reach audiences on all platforms. For example, if you create a multi-image post on Facebook, you could turn it into a carousel on Instagram and create an IG Story/reels version as well. Then, measure which type of content performs best on each placement.

Step 5: Measuring Success and Iterating

After posting your content, don’t forget to measure the results and analyze key points before jumping into the new month’s content creation. It helps to identify what works best for each type of content and social media strategy. Consider these critical metrics you need to track to measure the success of your social media content creation efforts:

  • Followers Growth Rate: This metric reflects the speed at which your audience base is expanding. A steady increase indicates successful strategies attracting new followers.
  • Account Reach: The total number of distinct users who have seen your content. A wider reach implies a broader dissemination of your message.
  • Reach: The potential audience size for your content. Higher reach signifies a larger possible audience for your brand’s messaging.
  • Impressions: How often your content appears in users’ feeds. More impressions mean your content has more opportunities to be interacted with. 

At the same time, there should not be a big gap between reach and impressions, the larger gap with big impressions means that your post will be seen by the same user accounts, not reaching new audiences. 

  • Engagements: The total interactions with your content. It provides insight into how effectively your content prompts user activity, including likes, shares, and comments, depending on platform.
Engagement Statistics as shown in the Mandala Cosmos software tool.

However, critically note that in Facebook and Instagram, video views are counted as engagement, so this might be misleading for some content. To track the performance of the video content, consider the metrics as Video Views & Video Thrupays.

  • Video Thruplays: The number of video views does not always determine the effectiveness of your video content. Instead, this metric reveals the number of times your video content is viewed from beginning to end. High numbers here demonstrate engaging video content.
  • Outbound Clicks: This measures the number of clicks on the links you’ve included in your posts. It shows the extent to which your content motivates users to take further action.
  • Conversion Rate: This crucial metric indicates the percentage of users who perform a desired action after interacting with your content. High conversion rates demonstrate effective calls to action.
  • Mentions: This tracks the frequency of your brand being referenced in social media discussions. Regular mentions indicate strong brand awareness.
  • Share of Voice (SOV): This evaluates your brand’s market presence relative to competitors. A larger SOV suggests a dominant position in your industry’s conversation.
Share of voice data for brand-related keywords as shown on Mandala Analytics.

These metrics are like the secret sauce in your content marketing strategy, especially if you’re focused on organic growth; no ad boosts or fancy campaigns. They’re what you need to make sure your content is not just floating out there but making some real noise and sparking interactions.

But then comes the moment when you decide to put on your superhero cape and boost those posts. This is where things get a little more interesting. You’ll want to keep a sharp eye on your cost-per-results for each metric.

It’s like checking the compass to ensure you’re still on the right path. This is how you figure out your ROI (Return on Investment) and see if you’re getting a good deal of attention for your spent pennies.

For performance analysis, platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer built-in analytic functions with a professional dashboard, providing real-time insights into the performance of your content with the above metrics.

But our arsenal of tools doesn’t stop there. Consider exploring Social Listening Tools too, these are akin to having an industry insider on your team, offering deeper insights about competitors, audiences, and general industry trends.

In just a few clicks, you could uncover fresh strategies and gain a competitive edge.

5 Tips for Social Media Content Creation

You know the process of social media content creation, now get ready for some real, actionable insights from real marketers that are going to make your content pop!

  • Blueprint Your Communication: Before you start churning out content, sit down and sketch out a communication plan.

    This plan will guide your content strategy based on your target audiences and marketing goals. Detail your content pillars, the mix, and frequency of content, making it easier to generate content ideas and kick-start the content creation process.
  • Harness the Power of Social Media Ads: Boost your content’s visibility and chances of meeting its objectives by investing in advertising.

    Tailor each ad campaign to its specific goal– whether that’s spreading awareness, boosting engagement or driving sales. It’s all about getting your content in front of the right eyeballs. 

For example, if you aim to increase product awareness, focus on reach; if you want to boost social media interactions, opt for engagement or fan acquisition to grow followers. If your goal is to increase sales during promotions, consider using traffic/conversion campaigns.

  • Embrace User-Generated Content (UGC) and influencer marketing:

    Let’s face it, people trust other people more than they trust brands. Include customer reviews and Influencers’ shoutouts to tap into audience groups that you might not expect and give customers a glimpse into genuine, real-life experiences.
  • Spice up your social media:

    Keep things lively with fun giveaways, collaborations, and contests to drive customer engagement.

    While these don’t need to be frequent, doing them once every one or two months can increase shares and engagement beyond regular content creation. Plus, it’s a quick way to acquire new customers.
  • Use multi-image and visual connections:

    Make your visuals more creative by leveraging the features of each platform to tell a story or showcase different aspects of your product.

    For example, add connecting graphic elements for your connecting artwork on Facebook, or the arrow on each of your images in the Instagram carousel to keep audiences swiping right. The more visually appealing your content, the more likely it is to stop the scroll.

3 Best Tools for Social Media Content Creation

Creating engaging, consistent social media content can sometimes feel like a massive undertaking. Consider these three tools to facilitate your social media content creation with ease:

  1. Mandala AI: Imagine a centralized hub where your social media marketing efforts and digital funnels harmoniously interact. That’s the essence of Mandala AI. Serving as an all-encompassing tool, it allows you to monitor every aspect of your social media feeds through Mandala Cosmos. The Mention and Hashtag feature enables you to keep track of your content performance and uncover emerging trends. Furthermore, Mandala Analytics provides real-time insights in a comprehensible graphical format, making data interpretation a breeze.
  1. Onlypult:   Even though you can schedule Instagram posts and stories through Facebook’s Meta Suite, Onlypult offers much ease with an interface that simplifies the process of scheduling Instagram posts and stories. This platform goes beyond the basics, offering features like video thumbnail selection, first comment additions, and geotagging. It also provides a preview of your Instagram gallery for scheduled posts and facilitates the management of multiple accounts, thus streamlining your social media operations.
  1. Whatagraph: For those who find performance reports daunting, Whatagraph is the solution. This tool simplifies report generation by offering pre-designed templates or allowing you to customize your metrics. By connecting data from your various social platforms, Whatagraph provides a comprehensive overview of your performance in a digestible format.

Ready to Step up Your Social Media content Creation?

Remember that content creation isn’t just about slapping a picture and a caption on your social media platforms. Social media content creation is a multifaceted process, akin to a jigsaw puzzle. Each element –the visuals, the captions, the insights, the frequency and optimization, and result performance–contributes to a comprehensive picture. When executed effectively, you’re not merely creating content; you’re curating experiences that resonate with your audience.

At the same time, innovation and creativity are pivotal. Staying abreast with industry trends and tips and techniques from fellow marketers can significantly enhance your strategies, offering a competitive advantage. So, take this guide, run with it, and start creating some truly captivating content. 

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