Fitness influencers are a great source of knowledge and motivation. The world’s top fitness influencers produce great content on how you can practically achieve your dream physique. So following a fitness influencer is a great way to stay motivated during your fitness journey.
To help you decide which ones to follow, we’ve made this list of the world’s top 70 fitness influencers to watch in 2024.
70 Fitness Influencers to Inspire You
Emily Skye is a female entrepreneur, personal trainer, and mother who became a fitness influencer. She’s made it into the Forbes Top Fitness Influencers, and her niche is helping women become fitter.
1. Emily Skye
Instagram: @emilyskyefit
TikTok: @emilyskye
YouTube: Emily Skye
2. Massy Arias
Massy Arias is a certified health and fitness coach with her own line of supplements and workout programs. She’s famous for her entrepreneurial spirit and emphasis on providing fitness guidance to women and immigrants in particular.
Facebook: Massy Arias
Instagram: @massy.arias
TikTok: @massy.arias
YouTube: Massy Arias
3. Rachel Brathen
Rachel Brathen is a Swedish yoga instructor who’s famous for her Carribean yoga studio. She’s also written a leading book on Yoga. Her content centers around Yoga and how it can improve people’s lives.
Instagram: @yoga_girl
4. Sangram Chougule
Sangram Chougule is an Indian electrical engineer turned bodybuilder. He owns the Mr. Universe 2012 title in the 85 kg category. He’s also won multiple bodybuilding competitions in India. His content revolves around practical bodybuilding advice.
Facebook: Sangram B Chougule
Instagram: @sangram_chougule_official
YouTube: Sangram Chougule
5. Alice Liveing
Alice Liveing is a young personal trainer and blogger whose content revolves around educating young people about fitness. She’s one of the leading female fitness influencers because of your content’s high quality.
Facebook: AliceLiveing
Twitter: @Aliceliveing_
6. Kayla Itsines
Kayla Itsines is an Australian fitness educator who’s authored multiple e-books on fitness. She also has her own fitness app called ‘Sweat with Kayla’. She’s one of the most popular fitness influencers in Australia.
Instagram: @kayla_itsines
TikTok: @kayla_itsines
7. Michelle Lewin
Michelle Lewin is a Venezuelan fitness model and bodybuilder. She appears in music videos, magazines, and fashion shows. Her social media includes both fitness and fashion content.
She’s also a very famous gym influencer.
Instagram: @michelle_lewin
TikTok: @michellelewin
8. Yanet Garcia
Yanet Garcia is an erotic model, fitness influencer, and weather presenter from Mexico. Her rise to fame is from her being on the first cover of a Mexican adult magazine, Penthouse. She is one of the top fitness content creators from Mexico.
Instagram: @iamyanetgarcia
TikTok: @iamyanetgarcia
9. Jennifer Leigh Selter
Jennifer Leigh Selter is a Jewish-American fitness model. She’s famous for becoming a fitness model from a very young age. She’s a top-tier Instagram fitness model today with over 13.6 million followers on the platform.
Facebook: JenSelter
Instagram: @jenselter
TikTok: @jenselter
YouTube: Jen Selter
10. Simeon Panda
Simeon Panda is one of the world’s top fitness influencers. He owns two fitness-related businesses: Just Lift and Elimin8. He’s predominantly a fitness influencer who’s been featured on Forbes. He is one of the top social media influencers because he has 17 million followers.
Instagram: @simeonpanda
TikTok: @iamyanetgarcia
YouTube: Simeon Panda
11. Ulissesworld Maddy
Ulissessworld Maddy is a role model and fitness motivator. He’s been noted for his promotion of a healthy lifestyle. He’s also a sought-after trainer for professional football players. He teaches people how to live sustainably healthy lives.
Instagram: @sharah_ulisses
TikTok: @sharah_ulisses
12. Kai Greene
Kai Greene is an American bodybuilder and personal trainer. He’s achieved second place in three IFBB’s Mr. Olympia competitions between 2012 and 2014. He’s also a talented actor.
Instagram: @kaigreene
TikTok: @kaigreene
13. Lazar Angelov
Lazar Angelov is famous for his motivational fitness videos. He’s both a bodybuilder and a basketball player. He’s one of the world’s top gym influencers.
Instagram: @lazar_angelov_official
TikTok: @lazar_angelov
14. Eva Andressa
Eva Andressa is a Brazilian fitness instructor and professional bodybuilder. She started her bodybuilding career as a teenager. She professionally competed at the NABBA Lobo Bravo Cup too in 2005.
Instagram: @eva_andressa
TikTok: @eva_andressaoficial
15. Andrei Deiu
Andrei Deiu is a London-based fitness model who’s been competing professionally since the age of 17. He’s competed in multiple competitions including the Miami Pro in 2014. His content includes both bodybuilding and sports.
Instagram: @andreideiu_
TikTok: @andreideiuu
16. Sergi Constance
Sergi Constance is a Spanish-born fitness model. He’s risen to become a prominent member of the fitness industry, including CEO of his own company. He also has a successful career in Men’s Physique competitions.
Instagram: @sergiconstance
TikTok: @sergiconstance
17. Sascha Barboza
Sascha Barboza is a fitness and bikini model who’s twice won titles in national physique competitions. She’s also a personal trainer and certified fitness coach. She uploads content on her YouTube channel.
Instagram: @saschafitness
TikTok: @saschafitness
18. Kerly Ruiz
Kerly Ruiz is a TV presenter, actress, and fitness model who’s famous for her appearances on Venezuelan shows. She’s one of Venezuela’s most famous female fitness influencers.
Instagram: @kerlyruiz85
19. Martyn Ford
Martyn Ford is a British bodybuilder, social media personality, and actor. He gained recognition for his physique and height. He’s around 6 feet and 8 inches tall. He’s referred to as ‘The Nightmare’ because of his intimidating appearance.
Instagram: @martynfordofficial
YouTube: Martyn Ford Monster
20. Ramy sulimani
Ramy Sulimani is a Saudi bodybuilder and influencer who provides content on building aesthetic physiques. He provides fitness in the Arabic language. He’s the world’s top Arabic gym influencer.
Instagram: @ramyfitness
21. Senada Greca
Senada Greca is a female influencer who’s traveled the world providing her fitness teachings. Her content is all about helping people achieve their best physiques. She’s one of the best fitness Instagram influencers.
Instagram: @senada.greca
TikTok: @senada.greca
22. Treinadora Carol Vaz
Carol Vaz is a Brazilian fitness instructor and coach with over 7 million TikTok followers. She’s one of the world’s most famous fitness influencers because she provides high-quality instructional content.
Instagram: @teamcarolvaz
TikTok: @teamcarolvaz
23. Lauren Drain Kagan
Lauren Drain Started with the World Beauty Fitness & Fashion show. She subsequently became an influencer because of her success in building an impressive physique. Nowadays, she’s one of the top Instagram fitness influencers.
Instagram: @laurendrainfitness
TikTok: @laurendrainfit
24. Phil Heath
Phil Heath is an American professional bodybuilder and 7-time Mr. Olympia winner. He won the Mr. Olympia contest every year between 2011 and 2017. His content revolves around proper gym training and diet plans.
Instagram: @philheath
TikTok: @philheathofficial
25. Sadik Hadzovic
Sadik has been a competitor in Men’s Physique competitions since 2011. He also won the 2015 Arnold Classic Men’s Physique division. He’s also finished in the top four 3 times at the Olympia. Much of his content is around professional bodybuilding.
Instagram: @sadikhadzovic
TikTok: @sadik_hadzovic
26. Octavio Robert Miginnis
‘Tavi Castro’ is a Mexican-Canadian bodybuilder and DJ who lives in the Netherlands. His content is quite diverse, including both music content as well as fitness guidance.
Instagram: @tavicastro
TikTok: @tavi_castro
27. Whitney Simmons
Whitney Simmons is a GymShark athlete and popular health vlogger on YouTube. Her content includes her own fitness journey that she’s uploaded on YouTube.
Instagram: @whitneyysimmons
TikTok: @whitneyysimmons
28. Scott Mathison
Scott Mathison is an American fitness model, actor, entrepreneur, and a Performix trainer. Most of his fitness content is about weightlifting and calisthenics. He’s considered one of the world’s best fitness influencers.
Instagram: @scott_mathison_
TikTok: @scott_mathison_
29. Lisa Lanceford
Lisa Lanceford is one of the UK’s most popular social media fitness influencers. She has over 3 million followers across multiple social media channels. Her content revolves around inspiring people to achieve their best physiques.
Instagram: @lisafiitt
TikTok: @lisafiitt
30. Yarishna Ayala
Yarishna built her own workout program called Train with Yarishna Ayla. Her content revolves around providing practical workout plans that can be followed by people with busy schedules.
Instagram: @yarishna
TikTok: @yarishnaa
31. Stephanie Sanzo
Stephanie Sanzo is a personal trainer, entrepreneur, and mother. Her content is aimed at parents and young adults. Her emphasis is to educate and motivate her audience to improve their fitness.
Instagram: @stephaniesanzo
TikTok: @stephaniesanzo
32. Jeremy Potvin
Jeremy Potvin is one of the world’s top men’s physique competitors. He’s also a third-generation U.S. Army Combat Veteran and graduated from the National Personal Training Institute. He’s also a family man. His content includes motivational content for American military personnel.
Instagram: @jeremypotvin_
33. David Laid
David Laid is a US bodybuilder and fitness model. He’s famous for documenting his personal fitness transformation on YouTube. He bulked up from a skinny boy to a strong powerlifter.
Instagram: @davidlaid
TikTok: @davidlaidbrasil
34. Ross Dickerson
Ross Dickerson is a top-tier aesthetic fitness model. His content revolves around achieving aesthetic goals for men. He’s considered one of the best workout influencers because he combines practical workout tips with aesthetic advice.
Instagram: @dickersonross
TikTok: @dickersonross
35. Kelsey Wells
Kelsey Wells is an Instagram fitness influencer who has over 2 million followers. You might remember from her famous ‘Screw the scales’ photo in 2016. She’s built a set of workout programs to help women achieve their fitness goals.
Instagram: @kelseywells
TikTok: @kelsey.wells
36. Demi Bagby
Demi Bagby is an American bodybuilder and CrossFit athlete. She rose to fame after overcoming an accident that potentially ruined her ability to walk. She gained fame for inspiring people with injuries to overcome what they’ve suffered.
Instagram: @demibagby
TikTok: @demibagby
37. Joey Swoll
Joey Swoll is a famous bodybuilder who uploads gym-positivity videos. His content revolves around anti-workout-shaming on TikTok and other social media platforms. He inspires his audience to be more accepting of other people in the gym.
Instagram: joeyswoll
TikTok: @thejoeyswoll
38. Alexia Clark
Alexia Clark is a professional personal trainer and nutritionist. She’s dubbed the ‘Queen of Workouts’ on Instagram. Her content revolves around keeping workouts fresh and unique. She’s one of the best fitness social media influencers for viewers who want diverse content.
Instagram: @alexia_clark
TikTok: @alexia_clark
39. Steve Cook
Steve Cook is an American bodybuilder who’s achieved the top ten in the Mr. Olympia contest twice. He has a famous YouTube channel with over 1.3 million subscribers. His content mostly includes practical workout advice.
Instagram: @stevecook
TikTok: @stevecook_32
40. Savannah Wright
Savannah Wright is a fitness influencer and model who left her day job to become a content creator. She provides a customized workout plan service called ‘Get Fit with Sav’. Her content mostly revolves around fitness guidance for women.
Instagram: @savwright
TikTok: @savwright
41. Nathan Wiliams
@nathanpt1 Your workout regime doesn’t need to be over complicated. simple moves repeated over and over will help you make the progress you need. The drop sets, supersets short rest periods, aren’t needed. Could you grow your chest in only three moves? absolutely. Here I’ve got an incline press cable fly and flat dumbbell press Keep finding ways to do those lifts better and make them harder every session . Lift with great form, search for failure within the set, get stronger. What we do outside of the gym matters just as much too The quality of food we are putting in our bodies. Rest and being consistent with the process. Give it three – six months. WWW.NATHANPT.COM #ConSantanderConecto #chest #chestworkout #bodybuilding #howto #naturalbodybuilding #christmas ♬ Aesthetic – Tollan Kim
Nathan Williams is an experienced professional personal trainer with over a decade of experience. His clientele includes the children of many of the world’s top bodybuilders. His content focuses on how to build natural bodies.
TikTok: @nathanpt1
42. Mike O’Hearn
Mike O’Hearn is an American bodybuilder, model, and actor. He’s been featured on over 400 magazine covers. He also won Fitness Model of the Year 7 times and appeared in the 2008 revival of American Gladiators.
TikTok: @mikeohearn
43. Ryan Terry
Ryan Terry is an IFBB professional who’s recognized as a men’s physique competitor. His titles include Mr Great Britain and Mr International in 2010 and UK National Champion in 2013.
Instagram: @ryanjterry
TikTok: @ryanjterry
44. Cassandra Martin
Cassandra Martin is a construction worker-turned fitness influencer. Her content is all about building brands and bodies. She’s one of the world’s biggest fitness influencers because of her unique background.
Instagram: @casssmartin
TikTok: @cassandramartin46
45. Shonda
Shonda is a Texas-born influencer. She started her journey by documenting her fitness journey from being overweight to becoming a fitness model. She’s been featured in many media due to her inspiring story.
Instagram: @shonda1020
46. Brittne
Brittne Jackson is an influencer with her own fitness app called BrittneBabe. She provides unique workout templates and nutrition plans. She most posts content about how to balance fitness and fun.
Instagram: @brittnebabe
47. Yanita Yancheva
Yanita Yancheva is a Bulgarian fitness influencer who’s globally renowned for helping women achieve their dream physiques. She’s also married to Travi Castro, another famous Instagram fitness influencer. Much of her content includes how women can build natural physiques.
Instagram: @yanitayancheva
TikTok: @yanita.yancheva
48. Tia-Clair Toomey
Tia-Clair Toomey is an Australian CrossFit athlete and weightlifter. She won her sixth consecutive title at the 2022 CrossFit Games. She’s earned more title wins than any other CrossFit athlete in history. Most of her content is about CrossFit.
Instagram: @tiaclair1
49. Lauren Gleisberg
Lauren Gleisberg provides short, convenient, and fun workouts for busy audiences. She teaches audience members how to achieve maintainable healthy eating solutions that taste great. Her products include meal and workout planners.
Instagram: @laurengleisberg
TikTok: @laurengleisberg
50. Dexter Jackson
Dexter Jackson is a retired American IFBB bodybuilder. He also won the 2008 Mr. Olympia bodybuilding and 2012 Masters Mr. Olympia. He’s one of the most famous bodybuilders in the sport.
Instagram: @mrolympia08
TikTok: @dexterjacksonofficial
51. Michie Peachie
Michie Peachie is a professional fitness model and nutritionist. She’s been active as a fitness and nutrition professional for over a decade. She posted her own body transformation online and advertises personal training services on her social media.
Instagram: @michie_peachie
TikTok: @michie_peachie
52. Brit Manuela
Brit Manuela is a California-based fitness and lifestyle influencer whose father is a bodybuilder. She posts content around building a sustainable healthy community. She focuses her content on providing practical advice.
Instagram: @britmanuela
TikTok: @thebritmanuela
53. Lucy Mecklenburgh
Lucy is an English TV personality and model who appeared in multiple UK TV shows. Nowadays she posts fitness content educating people on how to live healthier lives and achieve their dream fitness goals.
Instagram: @lucymeck1
54. Lyzabeth Lopez
Lyzabeth Lopez is a professional personal trainer, TV host, and nutritionist. She posts workout and lifestyle videos educating her audience on how to build better bodies.
Instagram: @lyzabethlopez
55. Fraser Wilson
Fraser Wilson is an athlete and fitness influencer who teaches his followers how to follow a good nutrition and workout regimen. He’s well-reputed as a fitness influencer who provides high-quality content.
Instagram: @fraserwilsonfit
TikTok: @fraserwilsonfit
56. Richard Duchon
Richard Duchon is an Instagram model and social influencer who shares gym and weightlifting content. He shared educational content on how audiences can build their desired physiques by lifting weights at the gym.
Instagram: @richard_duchon
TikTok: @richard_duchon
57. Nikki Blackketter
Nikki Blackketter is a fitness expert and a model. She provides fitness and modeling advice via her YouTube channel. She has nearly 2 million Instagram followers. That makes her one of the world’s top female fitness influencers.
Instagram: @nikkiblackketter
TikTok: @nikkiblackketter
58. Karina Elle
Karina is a fitness model and former cheerleader from the US. She was dubbed ‘the most in-demand’ fitness model in 2014. Her content revolves around her transition from cheerleading to fitness.
Instagram: @karinaelle
59. Chul Soon
Chul Soon is a celebrity personal trainer and fitness model. He’s a Korean bodybuilder who’s been dubbed the ‘Asian Arnold’. His content is mostly his fitness and lifestyle content. He also provides practical weightlifting guidance.
Instagram: @chul_soon
TikTok: @chul.soon
60. Brook Eence

Brooke Ence is an actress who played Penthiselea in Wonder Woman, Justice League, and Zack Snyder’s Justice League. She posts fitness content on her Instagram and other social media accounts.
Instagram: @brookeence
TikTok: @brookeence
61. Alexa Jean Hunt
Alexa Jean Hunt is a fitness fanatic and Instagram blogger. She shows her personal fitness journey on her Instagram. Her social media goal is to inspire people across the world to start their fitness journeys.
Instagram: @alexajeanfitness
62. Steve Kris
Steve Kris started as a soccer player and sports enthusiast. He later transitioned to becoming a gym and fitness enthusiast after suffering a knee injury that ended his soccer career.
Instagram: @stevekrisofficial
TikTok: @stevekrisoffical
63. Jeremy Potvin
Jeremy Potvin is a bodybuilder and fitness model who served in the US Army in Iraq. He’s also a famous participant in bodybuilding competitions across the U.S. His content includes his fitness journey as a U.S. serviceman.
Instagram: @jeremypotvin_
64. Kathryn Mueller
Kathryn Mueller is a dentist-turned fitness enthusiast who became a fitness, fashion, and lifestyle influencer. She posts fitness and fashion content. She’s one of the best fitness influencers on Instagram.
Instagram: @kathrynm_fit
TikTok: @kathryn.mueller
65. Brandon D Hendrickson
Brandon Hendrickson is an IFBB professional. He won the Pro Card in 2013. He’s an accomplished Men’s Physique competitor. Much of his influencer career consists of posting bodybuilding content on Instagram.
Instagram: @brandon.d.hendrickson
66. Lauren Fisher
Lauren Fisher is a California CrossFit athlete with a passion for lifting, traveling, and eating healthy. She posts her fitness journey on her social media. Her content includes fitness vlogs meant to inspire her audience.
Instagram: @laurenfisher
TikTok: @lauren_fisherr
67. Chanel Delisser
Channel Delisser is an Instagram influencer and fitness coach. She posts humorous and creative content on her social media. Her main goal is to provide inspiration and educate her audience to achieve healthy lives.
Instagram: @chaneldelisser
TikTok: @chaneldelisser
68. Chontel Duncan
Chontel Duncan is a mother, personal trainer, and Muay Thai enthusiast. She posts her fitness routine on Instagram and motivates other mothers to also pursue their fitness goals. Her content includes encouraging women to follow diverse fitness programs.
Instagram: @chontelduncan
TikTok: @chontelduncan
69. Natacha Oceane
Natacha is a British fitness enthusiast who presents an upbeat and positive vibe when it comes to health and fitness. She’s even received approval from FB Olympic experts because of her expert knowledge in nutrition and dieting.
Instagram: @natacha.oceane
TikTok: @natachaoceane
70. Kaisa Keranen
Kaisa Keranen is a professional trainer and fitness educator. Her social media content includes videos to encourage people to exercise and move around more. She also provides educational fitness content to teach people how to exercise.
Instagram: @kaisafit
Get Inspired Now!
Wrapping it all up, whether you’re a stay-at-home mom who wants to get into shape or someone who’s already a fitness enthusiast, you’ll find a great fitness influencer for you.
We’ve covered the top 70 fitness influencers in the world to help you better decide who you want to follow in 2024.
The best way to find the right influencers for you is to read about them yourself and get motivated!