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10 Tips to Win TikTok Algorithm and Go Viral in 2024

10 Tips to Win TikTok Algorithm and Go Viral in 2024

Have you ever wondered why some TikTok videos get tons of love on your For You Page (FYP), while others don’t? Well, it’s all thanks to the TikTok algorithm – the magic behind the scenes! This algorithm is like your personal video recommender. It’s the brain that decides what shows up on your FYP, where you find new videos and creators. 

So, understanding the TikTok algorithm is your golden ticket to success. It’s the key to boosting your content’s visibility and raking in those sweet views, likes, shares, and comments. Who doesn’t want to be the star of the FYP, right?

Whether you’re a TikTok pro or just starting out, this article is here to help you understand more about the TikTok algorithm. We’ve got 10 tips to make your content go viral. So, let’s jump in and explore the TikTok Algorithm’s world together!

What is TikTok Algorithm?

TikTok itself defines the TikTok For You page algorithm as a stream of videos curated to your interests, making it easy to find content and creators you love powered by a recommendation system that delivers content to each user that is likely to be of interest to that particular user. 

So, TikTok algorithm is like a super-smart helper that figures out what videos you’d like to watch. It’s in charge of picking videos that match your interests and showing them on your For You Page (FYP), where you find cool new content and creators. 

This TikTok algorithm learns from you. It watches how you use TikTok, who you follow, your internet, where you are, and what language you prefer. Then, it gives you videos it thinks you’ll enjoy.

When you’re scrolling through TikTok, know that this algorithm is working behind the scenes, making sure you see videos that tickle your fancy!

How TikTok Algorithm Works?

key elements affecting tiktok algorithm

The TikTok algorithm is like a smart helper that decides what videos to show you. It looks at a bunch of things, but here are the main ones:

1. Engagement Metrics: 

This means how users interact with videos.

Watch Time: TikTok loves it when users watch a video from start to finish. Those videos are more likely to be ranked higher. 

Likes, Comments, and Shares: TikTok thinks it’s awesome and shows videos that receive more likes, comments, and shares to more people.

Video Completion Rate: The percentage of users who watch a video all the way through is another important engagement metric.  TikTok thinks videos with a higher completion rate are worth showing to others.

2. Content Details: 

This is video information. This can include details like:

Caption: The words that are informative and relevant to the video content are more likely to help Tiktok understand the video and recommend it to users.

Effects: Using cool effects that people like can boost your video’s chances. This is because Tiktok is more likely to recommend videos that are using effects that users are familiar with and interested in.

Sounds: In the same way with popular effect, using popular sounds in your video can also make TikTok like it more visible to others. 

3. Device and Account Settings: 

These are things you set up, like your location and language. TikTok uses these to show you stuff that makes sense for you.

Location: TikTok knows where you are (according to your setting) so it can show you stuff that matters to people in your area.

Language: TikTok understands what language you speak, so it shows you videos in a language you understand.

Device Type: TikTok also knows what kind of phone or gadget you’re using, so it can make sure videos look good on your screen.

4. Other Factors:

Account Quality: Accounts that have a good track record of posting high-quality content are more likely to have their videos ranked higher.

Video Freshness: Tiktok may also give a slight boost to newer videos to help ensure that users are seeing a variety of content.

Remember, the TikTok algorithm is always learning, so these factors might change a bit over time. But if you focus on making great content and getting people to enjoy it, you’re on the right track!

What The TikTok Algorithm Doesn’t Like?

To make sure everyone enjoys a safe and fun experience, TikTok has some rules called Community Guidelines which detail the elements that TikTok algorithm will not recommend the content. TikTok approach to content moderation is built on four pillars:

Remove Violative Content

TikTok believes in everyone’s right to share content, but also has rules against harmful videos.

TiTok will remove content that breaks these rules, whether it’s public or private. If someone repeatedly breaks the rules, TikTok may have to ban their account.

Age-restrict Mature Content

TikTok has a wide variety of content, which makes it exciting. But not everything is suitable for younger users. TikTok restricts mature content so that only adults aged 18 and older can see it. 

Maintain For You Feed (FYF) Eligibility Standards

The “For You” feed is where you discover new content, and creators reach new audiences. However, getting recommended by our system isn’t guaranteed. Content that isn’t suitable for a broad audience won’t show up there. 

Empower Community

TikTok wants you to have control over your TikTok experience. For some content, it adds labels, opt-in screens, or warnings to give you more information. TikTok safety toolkit lets you filter out content with specific hashtags or comments that make you uncomfortable. It also provides account controls and in-app features with safety resources to help you manage your experience better.

10 Tips to Optimize Content for TikTok Algorithm

To improve TikTok algorithm reach, you should try using 10 actionable tips for enhancing content visibility, organic reach and engagement: 

1. Find Your Community

To enhance your TikTok post reach, you need to know your audience. What are their demographics, interests, and behaviors? Once you know who your audience is, you can create content that is more likely to resonate with them. 

2. Capture Your Audience’s Attention 

tiktoker dancing

Full watch time is a valuable indicator of content quality on TikTok. Since you’re likely unknown, you’ve only seconds to engage viewers. Skip lengthy intros and dive straight into your content to capture and retain your audience’s interest effectively. Or else, explore our 25 TikTok post ideas to create an effective strategy.

3. Use Eye-Catching Captions

Creating content around popular keywords that people are actively searching for helps your content reach those looking for specific content rather than aimlessly scrolling the FYP. You can pick up keywords from your voiceover or text overlay as well.

4. Create High-Quality Videos 

To make great TikTok videos, all you really need is your phone. Just make sure you have good lighting, a decent microphone for sound, and create videos longer than 10 seconds to increase TikTok reach and impressions.

5. Post at the Right Time for Audience

To improve TikTok algorithm reach, timing is everything. When you post matters as it affects how your audience interacts with your content. Posting when your audience is most active ensures you stand out. But if you’re not sure when to post, check out our guides on the most effective timing for the TikTok algorithm.

6. Engage With Other TikTok Users

Connect with TikTok users by interacting with comments, reacting to popular content, answering trending questions/prompts, remixing ideas with creators and use duets, stitch, and video replies

is significant for TikTok content ranking.

7. Use the Right Hashtags

To boost your TikTok visibility, use relevant hashtags. They help TikTok understand your video’s theme, ensuring it reaches the right audience. You can find trending hashtags at TikTok Creative Center.

8. Use Trending Sounds and Music

trending songs on tiktok

The right sounds help you set the mood and let viewers understand your video quickly. Combining trending music with an engaging start can boost your chances of getting on the For You Page.

9. Adjust Trends to Your Brand

Using trending TikTok ideas that match your brand can make your content more visible. Add your unique twist to popular trends and show a different side of your business while staying true to your brand.

10. Be Real

According to TikTok for Business, 44% want to see “fun or entertaining” content from brands. Also, 77% like it when brands give a look behind the scenes. So, you should grow your TikTok presence by being real and have fun.

Let’s Beat TikTok Algorithm

Understanding the TikTok algorithm is the key to success on this platform. To improve your visibility, it’s vital to engage with your audience, optimize your content with relevant keywords and hashtags, create high-quality videos, post at the right times and most importantly, be authentic and share content that resonates with your audience. 

You can use Mandala Analytics to research more about your audience. By following these strategies, you’ll shine on TikTok and connect with a wider audience while showcasing your brand’s unique personality.

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